With the development of the factory, due to the nature of our production program, most of which is pressure equipment, the need for non-destructive testing (NDT) services related to our production was growing. For these reasons, Laboratory for NDT was established in 2005 within our company, and was first awarded with Accreditation Certificate in 2008.
ODŽAČAR-KOTLOREMONT Laboratory for NDT does not have the status of a legal entity, but is an integral part of the ODŽAČAR-KOTLOREMONT company, within which it has a position as a separate, independent unit. In addition to testing and controlling production of ODŽAČAR-KOTLOREMONT, Laboratory for NDT also provides testing services to third parties, in the field. The employees of Laboratory for NDT adhere to the principles of mpartiality in their work and protect the confidentiality of test results by nurturing a professional relationship and top ethics in relation to cusomers.
Laboratory for NDT was awarded with Accreditation Certificate (accreditation number 01-254) in accordance with SRPS ISO / IEC 17025 for methods:
– Radiographic testing of welded joints
– Testing with liquid penetrants
– Insulation dielectric withstand testing
In addition to these methods, the laboratory also performs:
– Visual testings
– Ultrasound testings
ODŽAČAR-KOTLOREMONT Laboratory for NDT has competent staff and the necessary equipment so that the testing by any of the above methods can be performed well with confidence in the validity of the obtained results.